HD Film Description: This is Muteki studio's 10th Anniversary Special Project work, and it is a collaboration between Muteki, S1 and Moodyz studio. Featuring Yua Mikami and Shoko Takahashi, whom both originally made their debut at Muteki and each ending up being flagship actresses in two of the largest AV studios in Japan. The idea of putting two superstars in the AV industry together is already out of the world, and the effort put into making this amazing video is truly remarkable for an adult video. This 300 minute two part video is available in Full HD 1080P and standard HD 720P resolution video for streaming or download.
Studio: Muteki Resolution: 1920 x 1080 Time: 240 Mins Size: 4.09 GB / 9.70 GB Codec: MP4
Studio ID: TEK097
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