HD Film Description: Due to a very hot weather, the school has changed the school's dresscode as well as male/female relationship code. Where once every uniform was long and normal, now everything is short, like they put it in the dryer too long and it super shrunk everything into ultra mini-sized. In addition, students are now able to show and perform any sexual desires on school grounds during hot days as the school board beleives it will help student grades. Makes utterly no sense but this on stars Natsuko Mishima (三島奈津子), Koharu Tsukimiya (月宮こはる), Rina Otomi (音海里奈), Momona Asakura (朝倉桃菜) and Megumi Kashiwagi (柏木恵). This video is available standard HD 720P resolution video for streaming or download.
Studio: GLCL Resolution: 1280 x 720 Time: 180 Mins Size: 3.24 GB Codec: MP4
Studio ID: GCF012


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