HD Film Description: Two rich families join together for a Christmas party and the male servant of the household plot revenge on the opressive employers by utilizing a mystery device that shoots out lasers and puts anyone into some trance.On the night of the Chirstmas dinner, he zaps everyone with the device, especially the families' daughters and mothers and make them service him. Probably the worst Chirstmas for the families, but definately the best Christmas for him. Featuring Akari Mitani (美谷朱里), Toka Rinne (凛音とうか) and Hikaru Minazuki (皆月ひかる). This film is available in standard HD 720P resolution for streaming or download.
Studio: Soft On Demand Resolution: 1280 x 720 Time: 135 Mins Size: 2.51 GB Codec: MP4
Studio ID: SDDE606
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