HD Film Description: A tale of a haunted school toilet. A perverted janitor with a great idea and a orgy with all the girls from the classroom. One after another, girls enter a permanent trance and under the control of the janitor. Starring Kanna Misaki (美咲かんな), Mirei Nitta (新田みれい), Ichika Matsumoto (松本いちか), Himari Kinoshita (木下ひまり)(Himari Hanazawa), Nana Maeno (前乃菜々), Erena Takeda (武田エレナ), Mino Aisu (ほしのしほ)(Shiho Hoshino), Rino Harukawa (春川莉乃)(Mio Hoshino). This video is available in standard HD 720P resolution video for streaming or download.
Studio: Soft On Demand Resolution: 1280 x 720 Time: 135 Mins Size: 2.48 GB Codec: MP4
Studio ID: SDDE651
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