Title: Unknown (Leaked) Starring: Aika Miura  

HD Uncensored Film Description: Probably the only uncensored Aika Miura video in existence, unless one day a censored version is leaked out. Here is AV Queen Aika, a very well known and notorious adult Japanese AV Idol well known all over Asia in the 1990s. We get to see Aika suck cock and get her vagina played without the huge mosaic blurs. Like many Japanese adult videos from the 1990s, penetration is faked, and in the case of this one, it sure looks like it at the end of the film. The quality is late 90s to early 2000 so dont expect high definition. This uncensored Aika Miura video is available in 480P resolution video for streaming or download.
Resolution: 640 x 480 Time: 55 Mins Size: 632 MB Codec: MP4

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