Title: All Star Orgy Trip Team Ikeike Starring: Various Actresses  

HD Film Description: Kawaii studios releases 3 videos at the same time where three girls in a group compete in a Chiki Chiki School trip orgy against other girls. Each group must garner points to win. This first video stars Team Ikeike which consists of Mei Satsuki, Yui Tenma (Sora Kamikawa) and Aina Mitsuki. Other girls in the film include Natsu Hinata, Konatsu Kashiwagi, Hikaru Minatsuki, Tsubomi Mochizuki, Mai Onodera, Ena Satsuki and Yuuhi Shidara (Futaba Kurimiya). This video is available in 720P video for streaming or download.
Studio: Kawaii Resolution: 1280 x 720 Time: 240 Mins Size: 4.04 GB Codec: MP4
Studio ID: CAWD701

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